
Crafting, Parenting, Photography


Countin’ Pre-Chickens

So Matt and I have started preliminary house-buying stuff.  He’s looking into loans and tax credits while I fret anticipate.  Is it strange to be looking at furniture and paint chips for a house you haven’t even found yet?  Yeah, it’s strange–I’m counting those chickens before they’ve hatched.  But I’m ready to personalize.  There are […]

12 Days Left

So very close to summer vacation, but the days keep getting busier. So busy in fact the only knitting that I’ve been able to squeeze in was at Sunday’s Stitch ‘n Bitch. Three hours of knitting–eek! I’d have withdrawals if I weren’t too tired for them. Therefore, I’ve decided to dedicate at least one hour […]

Strange Things Be Happening

First of all–if any of my lovely readers have noticed the strange goings-on here at the blog over the past two day–things like posts appearing and disappearing–I apologize.  If you haven’t noticed, then why aren’t you spending every waking moment at my blog?  I have been trying out new offline blog writers.  Zoundry Raven was […]


Not My Knitting, Not My Writing

I sat down to write a post and realized that I had very little new to say.  The Voyager Lace Stole grows longer and the Eyelet Socks grow sockier.  I have a tentative LYS date with The Pirate Hooker this weekend, but until then, the Moc-A-Socs are just paper. So what to write about? How about […]

The Other Yarn Art

I found an unfinished object in the depths of the stash before work Monday morning.  I actually (Persephone Scarf aside) don’t tolerate UFOs.  But take a look at a close-up and see if you can guess why this UFO is extra odd. That, Observant Readers, is not knitting.  Why would I have a half-finished crocheted scarf in my […]

Not Too Shabby

stolen from Your Score: English Genius You scored 100% Beginner, 100% Intermediate, 100% Advanced, and 86% Expert! You did so extremely well, even I can’t find a word to describe your excellence! You have the uncommon intelligence necessary to understand things that most people don’t. You have an extensive vocabulary, and you’re not afraid to […]