
crafting, dogs, coffee

The Other Yarn Art

I found an unfinished object in the depths of the stash before work Monday morning.  I actually (Persephone Scarf aside) don’t tolerate UFOs.  But take a look at a close-up and see if you can guess why this UFO is extra odd.

Crochet Close

That, Observant Readers, is not knitting.  Why would I have a half-finished crocheted scarf in my stash cabinet?  Good question.  Several years ago I worked at a group home for delinquent wards-of-the-state.  They weren’t allowed knitting needles due to their rather pointy nature and the girls’ violent natures (getting shanked with a US 10 1/2 needle would definitely dampen my enthusiasm of the art).  But crochet hooks were okay and some of the gals were interested in crafts, so I led a crochet-along.  Unfortunately, the home closed down before we could finish and the scarf was abandoned.  It resurfaced and I found my crochet instruction book with my quick pattern notes for this scarf.  Consider for a moment that this project was put aside at least 4 years ago and you should have an idea of the miracle needed to find the pattern.  Since this had to be meant, I finished it.  Good thing too because it snowed that evening.  It’s made out of Lion Brand Homespun–Colorway: the ball band is gone for good.

Simple Scarf

Today was the Reading TAKS test at work.  I got to administer the test to a group of 10th graders.  Test proctors are not allowed to read, grade papers, or do anything that takes attention away from watching the students.  This includes knitting.  The tedium torture test lasted all day.  I am not used to being hand-idle; I kept catching myself wringing or knotting my fingers together.  They wanted something to do.

One thought on “The Other Yarn Art

  • cheryl says:

    I just noticed that you added me to your blog roll!

    I was busy pirating the high seas in Atlantis on PP the night it snowed. Now I am fending off a cold and failing. I don’t want to work on the afghan while I am sick…

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