
Crafting, Parenting, Photography


Yarn Swappin’

This Sunday, the Dallas SnB had a yarn swap.  This is what I came home with– I got rid of the cursed red Debbie Bliss and some overly bright Knit Picks Palette.   A bunch of old acrylic went to a women’s prison charity.  The trading was fast and furious, but I managed to score 3 […]

Alas, Multitasking

Why can’t I figure out a way to knit and grade essay finals at the same time?  Maybe I could use my feet to grade.  I can flip papers over with my big toe and my pinky toe can type the grades into the computer.  Anyone know why I decided to give an essay as […]

12 Days Left

So very close to summer vacation, but the days keep getting busier. So busy in fact the only knitting that I’ve been able to squeeze in was at Sunday’s Stitch ‘n Bitch. Three hours of knitting–eek! I’d have withdrawals if I weren’t too tired for them. Therefore, I’ve decided to dedicate at least one hour […]

Get Outta My Head

The Sheep Shawl haunts me; it calls to me.  It needs to be knit.  Now.  The only reason that I haven’t succumbed to temptation and cast on is that I don’t have the right needle for it.  Whoo.  Dodged that.  Is the fact that I’m also looking at yarn for the Peacock Feathers shawl a […]

Me and Job–We’re Like “This”

This week was a bit of a trial. Wednesday–I found out that if I want to continue my position next year, I have to do so with a 22% pay cut.  Thursday–Due to the storms that ravaged North Texas, the school that I teach at had no power, but the district decided that we’d still […]

The Other Yarn Art

I found an unfinished object in the depths of the stash before work Monday morning.  I actually (Persephone Scarf aside) don’t tolerate UFOs.  But take a look at a close-up and see if you can guess why this UFO is extra odd. That, Observant Readers, is not knitting.  Why would I have a half-finished crocheted scarf in my […]

Relocated and Revised

I’m moving my knitting related blogging away from Livejournal to here.  I will still keep that blog up and running to that I may keep in touch with my old college buddies, but as only a couple were at all interested in the fiber arts I decided to go ahead and create a dedicated knitting […]

They Meant Well, I’m Sure

Today during 7th period, I overheard my students talking about how much they and their friends were purchased for. “Did you hear, Jose was bought for $100?!?” “No way! Servando only cost $60.” And so on. This is indeed a curious conversation to overhear, so I investigated. The high school I teach at decided it […]

Grading Hell

Today is 7th period midterm day, and I don’t have a 7th period which means I don’t have to go to work. I should be deliriously happy right? Right? But…I’m grading midterms…still… They are so bad. No, they are worse than bad. They laugh at bad while smoking cigarettes and wearing dirty underwear just in […]

Future Leaders of America on Current Events

Two gems from the essay midterms I graded today– “Now that Jorge W. Bush is President…” “Several years ago Bill Clinton lied about having sex with Hilary.” I’d lie about that too.