12 Days Left
So very close to summer vacation, but the days keep getting busier.
So busy in fact the only knitting that I’ve been able to squeeze in was at Sunday’s Stitch ‘n Bitch. Three hours of knitting–eek! I’d have withdrawals if I weren’t too tired for them. Therefore, I’ve decided to dedicate at least one hour each day to knitting or knitting-related activities–yarn shopping and trolling for patterns counts. Starting today. I actually came up with this idea yesterday but…I went to see Indiana Jones instead. Sorry, Harrison Ford with a whip trumps knitting any day of the week.
I’m going to go get my hair cut today. Sounds like no big thing, right? Hah! I get my hair cut about twice a year when I just can’t stand it anymore. It gets whacked off and then it grows for six months. And boy does it grow fast. I realized a couple of weeks ago that I’ve been going through this cycle since I graduated high school–10 years ago! Same hair style too. It is way past time for a change. You’re not supposed to look exactly the same at your high school reunion. Here’s a before photo–
This was taken two years ago at my bridal shower. Doesn’t matter though; same hair cut for 10 years. Only the length has ever changed. Until today! Dum dum da da da dummmmm…