
Crafting, Parenting, Photography

Strange Things Be Happening

First of all–if any of my lovely readers have noticed the strange goings-on here at the blog over the past two day–things like posts appearing and disappearing–I apologize.  If you haven’t noticed, then why aren’t you spending every waking moment at my blog?  I have been trying out new offline blog writers.  Zoundry Raven was had its good points like being able to install on a flash drive so that I could blog from work, but the page writer was broken and I couldn’t delete posts made in Raven from my dashboard.  I need my pages.  I think that I have settled on Windows Live Writer.  It’s pretty user friendly, works with my LJ crossposter, and I has two different types of WYSIWYGs: plain and with your theme.  The only complaint so far is that once you have saved a local draft or published a post, you can’t delete from Live Writer even though you may have deleted it from dashboard.  I have several test posts that don’t show up on the blog (you may have noticed), but they are stuck on my sidebar.  Still I can live with that.

Can’t have a post without a picture.  Here’s a butterfly:

pastel butterfly copy


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