Halo 3 After Action Report

Monday, May 26, 2008
Clan Win Percentage: 70%
Avg True Best
Clan Member Rating Games Victory Kills Deaths Spread KDR Spread Assists Suicides Betrayals Medals Best Game
Talador 2.01 8 94% 111 78 +8.00 3.67 +8 49 0 1 69 516118056
Falanor 1.82 8 94% 135 91 +1.00 1.14 +1 45 0 0 87 516147692
Zam Wiesel 1.63 15 50% 138 130 +2.17 1.27 +16 48 0 0 66 517297920
CantkillSaddam 1.63 17 62% 269 207 +2.00 1.15 +10 103 0 2 145 516147692
FTA War Machine 1.62 8 94% 99 89 -2.00 0.82 -2 61 0 1 52 516147692
Darth Smalls 1.57 15 50% 161 155 +0.92 1.09 +10 53 0 0 57 517124896
Shalewind 1.43 6 92% 70 61 0.00 0.00 0 36 0 0 26 516242936
Codifferus* 1.29 3 00% 23 38 -3.00 0.77 -2 16 0 0 15 516066742
    *Indicates that player did not play enough games to be considered for ranking.
Top 3 Slayers: Talador (4.40),  Zam Wiesel (1.70),  CantkillSaddam (1.58) Top 3 Objective: Darth Smalls (2.10),  Falanor (1.88),  CantkillSaddam (1.70)
Weapons of Choice Medals of Note
Best Spree: 6 Shotgun x22 Overkill x1
Headshots: 5 Rocket Launcher x12 Bulltrue x1
AR Kills x11 Sniper Rifle x9 Killing Spree x7
Beatdowns x27 Grenade x7 Killed Bomb Carrier x5
Weapons of Choice Medals of Note
Best Spree: 2 Spartan Laser x10 Killing Frenzy x1
Headshots: 2 Brute Spiker x9 Killed Bomb Carrier x9
AR Kills x30 Shotgun x9 Killing Spree x5
Beatdowns x34 Explosion x4 Killjoy x3
Zam Wiesel
Weapons of Choice Medals of Note
Best Spree: 8 Sniper Rifle x42 Killing Spree x7
Headshots: 48 Battle Rifle x25 Flag Score x3
AR Kills x14 Spartan Laser x9 Death from the Grave x1
Beatdowns x13 Plasma Grenade x7 Sniper Kill x25
Weapons of Choice Medals of Note
Best Spree: 9 Sniper Rifle x32 Bulltrue x2
Headshots: 16 Energy Sword x31 Overkill x1
AR Kills x68 Banshee x21 Killing Spree x10
Beatdowns x34 Bomb Melee x1 Killed Bomb Carrier x9
FTA War Machine
Weapons of Choice Medals of Note
Best Spree: 3 Grenade x10 Killed Bomb Carrier x8
Headshots: 6 Battle Rifle x7 Death from the Grave x2
AR Kills x37 Guardians x5 Triple Kill x1
Beatdowns x21 Bomb Melee x1 Killing Spree x1
Darth Smalls
Weapons of Choice Medals of Note
Best Spree: 6 Battle Rifle x41 Killing Spree x5
Headshots: 38 Shotgun x14 Killjoy x5
AR Kills x17 Sniper Rifle x13 Killed Flag Carrier x2
Beatdowns x25 Warthog Gunner x3 Death from the Grave x1
Weapons of Choice Medals of Note
Best Spree: Warthog Gunner x8 Killed Bomb Carrier x3
Headshots: 0 Grenade x7 Bomb Planted x3
AR Kills x22 Needler x5 Killing Spree x1
Beatdowns x10 Turret x2 Double Kill x5
Weapons of Choice Medals of Note
Best Spree: 4 Sniper Rifle x5 Killed VIP x2
Headshots: 4 Spike Grenade x2 Killjoy x1
AR Kills x5 Guardians x2 Death from the Grave x1
Beatdowns x5 Ghost x1 Sniper Kill x3