
crafting, dogs, coffee

Coffee, Coffee, Coffee

Hamilton Beach FlewBrew 2-Way

Hamilton Beach FlewBrew 2-Way

So I got a new coffee maker yesterday. I got the Hamilton Beach FlexBrew 2-Way Coffee Maker.

I really enjoy coffee, but I also really hate mornings. With my previous set-up, I would grind my beans, put them in the coffee maker, pour the water in, clean up the spilled water, brew the coffee, pour it in my travel mug, doctor it up, and drink it when I got to work. I really liked the way my coffee tasted, but it took a lot of time. Plus, driving un-caffeinated is dangerous. So, I stopped making and drinking coffee. It took a lot of time out of my mornings, and I was wasting a lot of beans because my pot didn’t make great coffee if you made under 1/3 of the pot. I started hitting up the 7-11 near my house because it was quicker.

Last week we stayed at a hotel that had a little Keurig in our room. I loved that little thing. Pop in a cup and go. The coffee it made was only so-so, but I didn’t care. Turns out my coffee requirements are “not awful” and “quick”.

Of course when we got home, I started shopping around. I had only a few requirements: it had to take reusable cups, be able to fit a tall mug, and not be restricted to Keurig 2.0 cups. Happily, thanks to Keurig’s patent having run out a few years ago, they aren’t the only game in town that takes k-cups. I found this guy that has a k-cup side that has its own insert for your own grounds.It also makes full pots using your own grounds instead of those k-carafe things so that my beautiful grinder won’t go to waste. And so that my friend Alicia can suck down entire pots in one sitting.

I got a variety pack of cups that really has about a bit of every type of coffee roast in a lot of popular brands. Only coffee though–no cider, tea, or hot chocolate. Having heard that the first few cups of any new machine can still taste of machine, I ran a vinegar cycle and three water cycles through both sides.

donut shop medium and cup

Donut Shop Regular

I made my first cup this morning, and it was pretty good. The Donut Shop Regular wasn’t watery at all using the strong brew cycle. I still think I’ll enjoy a dark roast more, but that’s my personal taste and not due to the machine. I really like this thing. So much so that I actually regretted having a Diet Coke with lunch instead of more coffee. And I realllllllly love Diet Coke.

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