
crafting, dogs, coffee


You all may have noticed that this blog went into hibernation.  So did my knitting.  I went through an existential crisis of sorts.  I went through a period of idiot fingers.  Now most knitters go through this affliction occasionally.  You make stupid mistakes, your fingers slip, and your yarn tangles.  What should be an easy project turns into climbing Everest.  A type A knitter rips back and starts over while a laid back knitter reclaims the yarn and knits garter stitch scarf.  I am neither.  I chucked the orange shawlette in a bag and turned to cross-stitch.  You see, I have a terrible confession to make.

I am a crafter–not a knitter.

This was the crisis.  I was in deep denial.  I worked on my cross-stitch for months, but called myself a knitter.  I played Warcraft all evening, but called myself a knitter.  I almost forgot to give my sister her Noro scarf at Christmas because knitting hadn’t crossed my mind since the summer.  I sewed up some project bags and bought 2 sewing books.

project bags

But the project bags were to hold my knitting stuff, and that seemed to be the kick in the pants that I needed.  I can do both knitting and sewing.  I can do knitting, sewing, and cross-stitch.  Toss cooking in there and call me Martha Stewart.  I make things.  I am a crafter!


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