
Crafting, Parenting, Photography

Craft Book Cross-Over

I started a new project (yes, I know I haven’t finished those socks yet–don’t judge me).  Take a look–

boy blue

Wait, what?!?  That’s not knitting!  No, indeed.  I appear to have become one of those most befuddling and envied of knitters: the duel crafter.  How’s that for a comic book character?  Duel Crafter–able to wield both knitting needles and crochet hooks with the same reckless abandon.

I never particularly wanted to crochet; I still don’t think the finished product is as attractive as a knitted one.  But crochet does have one distinct advantage over knitting. It is much much faster.  I am not a fast knitter, and I needed to make a baby blanket.  In order to get it finished before the baby is finished, I turned to the enemy.  The enemy is my enemy no longer.

The Woolie Ewe is having a giant sale, and to reassure myself that knitting is tops with me, I went and got the makings for a Noro Striped Scarf.

noro 2x2

Some lucky someone will get one for Christmas next year.

Freya says, “Polite pups get treats, right?”

freya polite

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