
crafting, dogs, coffee

Snow Day Fever

Due to icy roads, I have one whole glorious day home alone.  I can watch whatever I want, play whatever I want, knit whatever I want.  So what to I do to start this most fabulous of days?  I cleaned out our clothes closet.  I’m still not sure what possessed me to spend several hours in our uninsulated (and therefore freezing) closet sifting through old clothes–I’m certainly not known as the most tidy of women.  In fact, I avoid housework as if it will give me cancer.  But I realized this was long overdue when I found a t-shirt from elementary school.  Part of the problem is I need to realize that just because somebody gave me a gift, that doesn’t mean that I must keep it for the rest of my natural life.   When the gift shirt has three holes and an unidentifiable orange stain on the shoulder, it is okay to throw it away.

messy closet

That ended up as 3 big garbage bags full.

The stash also received this organization treatment.  My stash used to be stuffed in here:

old stash cab

But it got so full that the door would spontaneously pop open and spit out yarn.  This is bad–no one needs a yarn ejection system.  Now the stash is happily ensconced in its new home.

stash org 

I can now rifle through the stash without errant balls rolling out of the shelf and around on the floor.  I don’t know why I didn’t think of this sooner.

The Sockotta socks continue.

sockotta socks2

sockotta sock heel

I love that the heel turn is entirely in purple.

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