Halo 3 After Action Report

Wednesday, June 25, 2008
Clan Win Percentage: 13%
Avg True Best
Clan Member Rating Games Victory Kills Deaths Spread KDR Spread Assists Suicides Betrayals Medals Best Game
FTA Dark Knight 1.73 3 33% 31 36 +1.00 1.08 +1 18 0 1 16 575227898
Falanor 1.71 4 25% 39 51 -5.50 0.58 -5 17 0 0 26 575227898
Shalewind 1.07 8 13% 72 87 -1.33 0.88 +2 32 0 0 34 575286945
CantkillSaddam 1.02 2 00% 17 26 -4.50 0.65 -4 16 0 0 6 575138239
ih8urfacetoo 0.85 8 13% 59 92 -5.50 0.54 -2 34 0 0 30 575227898
Talador 0.71 5 00% 24 58 -6.80 0.41 -4 22 0 0 15 575286945
FTA War Machine 0.63 4 00% 39 71 -8.33 0.51 -5 27 0 0 13 575286945
Gariet* 0.73 1 00% 4 9 -5.00 0.44 -5 4 0 0 2 575286945
    *Indicates that player did not play enough games to be considered for ranking.
Top 3 Slayers: FTA Dark Knight (1.48),  Shalewind (1.23),  CantkillSaddam (1.02) Top 3 Objective: Falanor (2.58),  FTA Dark Knight (1.85),  ih8urfacetoo (0.96)
FTA Dark Knight
Weapons of Choice Medals of Note
Best Spree: 3 Battle Rifle x7 Killed Bomb Carrier x4
Headshots: 5 Warthog Gunner x3 Flag Score x2
AR Kills x7 Guardians x2 Bomb Planted x1
Beatdowns x8 Turret x1 Killjoy x1
Weapons of Choice Medals of Note
Best Spree: 2 Grenade x6 Overkill x1
Headshots: 3 Shotgun x5 Killjoy x2
AR Kills x2 Sniper Rifle x4 Triple Kill x1
Beatdowns x12 Bomb Melee x1 Killing Spree x1
Weapons of Choice Medals of Note
Best Spree: 5 Warthog Gunner x7 Killjoy x3
Headshots: 4 Guardians x7 Killing Spree x2
AR Kills x22 Shotgun x5 Bomb Planted x1
Beatdowns x16 Battle Rifle x4 Killed Bomb Carrier x1
Weapons of Choice Medals of Note
Best Spree: 4 Shotgun x3 Killjoy x2
Headshots: 1 Battle Rifle x2 Death from the Grave x1
AR Kills x6 Rocket Launcher x1 Beat Down x3
Beatdowns x2 Grenade x1 N/A x0
Weapons of Choice Medals of Note
Best Spree: 3 Battle Rifle x12 Killjoy x2
Headshots: 15 Sniper Rifle x7 Triple Kill x1
AR Kills x7 Grenade x5 Flag Score x1
Beatdowns x11 Ghost x1 Bomb Planted x1
Weapons of Choice Medals of Note
Best Spree: 3 Battle Rifle x4 Killjoy x2
Headshots: 1 Shotgun x3 Wheelman x7
AR Kills x5 Guardians x2 Splatter x1
Beatdowns x5 Warthog x1 Beat Down x5
FTA War Machine
Weapons of Choice Medals of Note
Best Spree: 2 Shotgun x5 Killjoy x2
Headshots: 1 Warthog Gunner x4 Killed Bomb Carrier x1
AR Kills x10 Grenade x4 Beat Down x9
Beatdowns x9 Sniper Rifle x1 Double Kill x1